Friday, March 21, 2008


Hey! I just found out something fair related but not happening in August. The Altamont Fair is a member of the New York State Association of Agricultural Fairs, Inc. The fairs across New York state have gotten together to offer six scholarships to students who have participated in the fairs and who plan to study agriculture or fair management.

The NYSAAF and the NYSSA offer an annual scholarship program which is available to students who are New York State residents, who currently are (or have previously been) active in a fair that is a member of the NYSAAF and who plans to attend (or already attends) college in pursuit of a degree in agriculture or fair management. The fair where you have been active must endorse your application and will submit it for you. Our website offers a complete list of our member fairs

BUT you have to hurry.

The deadline to submit your application (and you can’t do it online) is the second Saturday in April. There is an essay and there is an application form. And you can find them both at the website. Oh yeah , it is for people already in college or high school seniors.

Good luck!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hi there!

Hi, the Altamont Fair is one of my favorite places in August. It is a three county fair in New York’s capital district. I thought you might be interested in some of the details I have discovered.

Even though it is March, hello Spring?, the fairgrounds are pretty empty with snow drifts. Here are some recent pictures.

But lots of volunteers are all ready gathering ideas and promises to make 2008 a great fair.

And it will be green and full of great displays and lots of people and lots of things to see.