Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The sun has finally come out, our gardens are going to grow grow grow. As you are harvesting your vegetable treasures, think about showing them off at the Altamont FAir.

Enter some of the veggies you think will do well, then there is a one time opportunity to add more veggies to your entry. That happens the Sunday (August 9) before the fair.

That is the time to parade your largest zucchini. I've had baseball bat sized ones (and my kids are not squash fans) Can you beat that? Try .....Enter your giant zucchini and WIN at the Altamont Fair.

We also want to see the real beauties of your garden--those perfect beans, that photographic tomato, that luminous pumpkin.

go to
click on exhibitors guidebook

then click on vegetables and find out how you too can enter.

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