Saturday, June 28, 2008

Getting Busy

Well I stopped at the Fairgrounds yesterday and things were really hopping. The Old Songs Festival is this weekend and people had already arrived.

Things are perking along for the Altamont Fair too. There is going to be a sock dyeing demonstration in the Sheep Barn on Saturday afternoon. All through Fair Week there is going to be Apple Peeling Contests--just sign up when you get to the Fair. And the Zoppe Circus will be appearing all week!

Now if you are looking for a summer activity Make a SCARECROW--there is a contest for that too. The details are in the premium book under Scarecrows (there is no entry fee) The beasts can be traditional or modern--I've seen everything from brides to robots....just remember they are outside so they might be rained on or blown about. I have to go do something about one for my garden--the blueberries are ripening and the birds love them almost as much as I do. They enjoyed all my cherries even before I thought the fruits were ripe enough to pick!

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